This is Atelier Soleil Yuika.
Thanks for reading.
This is an important notice for those who are taking the Atelier Soleil original video course.
(The same applies to the textbook course, so please read it all the way through.)
I am eliminating the viewing deadline for video courses.
Viewing deadline?
What’s that?
I understand that some of you may be wondering that way.
I used to set a 4-week viewing deadline for the videos in my video courses.
This is because I want to make sure that students will be able to draw.
Please read this column for the detailed reason.
Click here to read the column in English.こんにちは。「美楽(びがく)アートでクリエイティブな人生を」を提案しているパステルアートインストラクター、唯花(ゆいか)です。訪問ありがとうございま[…]
It is translated into English.
Let me explain briefly. I heard that some people purchase the video course but don’t actually draw it.
The students have paid for the course, so not drawing it = wasting their money
It is Yuika’s belief that I want to prevent my students from wasting their money. And I wants my students to receive something that says, “I’m glad I took this course!”.
I can’t think that after selling a course it is up to the student to decide whether or not to paint.
(I know it’s an unnecessary nuisance (^^;)
The advantage of video and textbook courses is that they can be viewed at any time.
This is very convenient and essential for those who have difficulty attending lessons because of work, time zone differences, or difficulty in taking a coherent time.
But because of its advantages, there is also a possibility that the following may happen.
Let’s just buy it anyway.
I can draw anytime.
I don’t have to draw it now.
Time passes and you end up not drawing.
* The process itself of thinking that one can always draw later and eventually not drawing is natural in brain science.
Therefore, I came up with two things to increase the probability that students would draw. Make the course so attractive that it leads to the action of drawing.
If I eliminate the “I can draw anytime,” the probability of drawing may increase.
And as an idea for the second, we offered a video course in a private Facebook group and set a deadline for viewing.
In fact, everyone who has taken the video course since we set the viewing deadline has drawn it.
However, thankfully, more and more people are taking the courses and I am not able to keep up with my management.
Also, some people prefer to view our videos on YouTube instead of Facebook.
In the case of YouTube, it is almost impossible to set a viewing deadline.
Therefore, I decided to eliminate the viewing deadline.
However, even though the deadline has been removed, I still hope that “as long as you have purchased the course, I want you to paint it, and I want you to receive something as a result.”
This wish is the same for textbook courses that cannot set an expiration date.
I would be happy if you could take the course with this understanding.
Thank you for your understanding.
If you have taken a video course in Facebook private group and need a video without a deadline, please contact me.
I will inform you of the You Tube URL.
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