〇〇の使い方 2つのモノサシ

Another indicator “needs and wants”.

The line between the two is also blurred.

For example, let’s consider a meal.
(It’s a housewife metaphor. lol)

We eat food.
If we don’t eat, we will die.
So of course this is a need.

But I want to enjoy lunch with good friends at a nice restaurant.
I want to eat a delicious dessert.
This is a wants.

But if doing so makes you feel good about yourself and gives you the energy you need to be powerful and creative tomorrow, then it is also a “needs” aspect.

Pastel art also has both needs and wants.
I paint because I enjoy it.
This is a wants.
But when you paint, you feel refreshed and lightened up, and you think, “Okay, I’m going to work hard again.” or “I can draw such wonderful art!”.
In this case, there is an aspect of needs because it is necessary for me.

The reason for taking the course will not be only “needs”, of course nor will it be only “wants”.
For example,
I like this design so much, I want to draw it myself = wants
To teach others. To improve skills. = needs
Even if you are an instructor, I don’t think you would learn a design that you don’t want to draw at all.

Needs are good, but wants are not.
Wants are good, but needs are not.
It is neither of those things.

More important is to consider which (is the main) reason for this action.
And what is a good balance for you?
Does it fit that balance?
The important thing is this.

In fact, the ideas in this column are not limited to money alone.
It is also about time and mental energy.

For today to be an enjoyable day.
To be the person you want to be a month or a year from now.
What kind of time, energy, and money should we spend?

I think it is important to spend time thinking about these things.

Thanks for reading.

My beliefs as an instructor and my request to everyone who takes Atelier Soleil original courses, which I really want to share with those who take them.
I have already translated it into English, so please read it as well.


Click here to read the column in English.こんにちは。「美楽(びがく)アートでクリエイティブな人生を」を提案しているパステルアートインストラクター、唯花(ゆいか)です。訪問ありがとうございま[…]